V 1.3 Cleanup/Polish

Now that I'm awake again after chrimmus coma and crunch I decided to pick this up again to really clean up a lot of the critiques we got. I'm so thankful to those of you who pointed out any issues or things that could be cleaned up! I BELIEVE I resolved most of the issues. No more stuttering within the farm gates xD

This should be the last "major" cleanup on this piece. If there is anything else to be added you will hear here! <3


Part-of-the-FlockBROWSER-v1.3.zip Play in browser
80 days ago
Part-of-the-Flock-LINUX-v1.3.zip 122 MB
80 days ago
Part-of-the-Flock-WINDOWS-x64-v1.3.zip 119 MB
80 days ago

Get Part Of The Flock


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I had to quickly throw in a hotfix for 1.4 since my power went out while trying to upload so something weird happened where I couldn't get out of the house. I uploaded the wrong thing xD; It should be fixed now!